Once you receive your XTERRA BOARDS package, here's what should be inside:
- Board
- Strap around board
- Removable center fin
- Pump, hose and gauge
- 3-piece Paddle
- 6 D-rings with bungee cord
- Repair kit (includes patches and glue)
- Backpack
Please refer to the specific product page for the latest contents of your package.

If all these items are not in your package, or if they are damage, please contact us immediately and accept our apologies ahead of time.
How To Inflate your board
If you can't insert your hose into the valve, this is an easy fix. There is a pin on the inside of the hose (the part that attaches to the valve). The pin (or, call it a screw) is too far out. You will need to screw it further into the hose with a small screw driver. Turn it two complete revolutions clockwise.
It should take approximately 4-5 minutes to pump up your board to the recommended 15 psi. The first two minutes should be fairly easy, the 3rd minute a little tougher, and the 4th full minute quite tough. With long strokes it should take you about four minutes (approximately 200 pumps) to get to 15 psi. Note that your pressure gauge will likely not start indicating pressure until after three (3) minutes.
Here's a little video we created on pumping up your board (NOTE that you will be directed to Snapguide):
Here's a synopsis:
- roll out your board
- attach your pressure gauge to your pump
- attach your hose to your pressure gauge
- make sure that the valve stem is in the UP position. Do this by pushing down slightly and turning counter-clockwise
- check to make sure that the valve stem is UP. (yes, we're repeating this)
- remove dust and sand from around the valve.
- make sure that you only have one (1) washer on. Some boards come with 2, but you only need one (1); put the other your repair kit as a back-up.
- attach the hose to the valve by holding onto the base of the hose and pushing down with enough pressure to allow you to turn it clockwise into place. This is tricky the first time. TRICK - if you cannot push down enough to turn and lock the hose in place, try flipping the washer over so the groove is facing out. The groove is designed to allow the washer to give a little more (flare out) so this sometimes does the trick.
- begin pumping steadily. One (1) pump is a full stroke up and down.
- if this is your first time inflating the board, pump 100 times and then remove the hose. We're having you do this to make sure that the valve is in the UP position and that air doesn't escape (in case you left it in the open position). NOTE - at 100-110 pumps your board should start looking like a board (not rolled up) but you're only half-way.
- break your pumping into 1-minute increments. Or, swap every minute with a friend. Your pressure gauge may not read any pressure until after 3 minutes of pumping (about 200 pumps) although you will clearly be able to see your board inflating.
- once you reach the desired psi - e.g. 15 psi - then remove hose and put the cap on
- NOTE: If your pressure gauge isn't reading or you are not using it, you'll need about 225 full pumps to get it to 15 psi.
How do I know my board is fully inflated?
- If you pump it up to 15 psi (or about 12 psi if you weigh under 125 pounds) as measured by your gauge then you are set.
- If you do not have your air pressure gauge (and you don't necessarily need one), you will need to pump up your board until it is as hard as a rock. When the board is fully inflated it will not bend under your weight when you are on the water. After 200 pumps your board will be hard. After 225 pumps it will be rock-hard and perfect. One "pump" is a full stroke up & down; this does not count as two pumps.
If air is escaping after you reach about 10 psi, then:
Here are a few tips for getting your board inflated to 15 psi. Note that the hissing sound of a little air escaping is normal. You will see that in the center of your hose where it connects to the valve there is a bar. This bar depresses the valve so that air can flow into it. When you remove your hose there will be a pop of a little air escaping, but once the hose is removed there should be no more air escaping.
Pumping from 10 psi to 14 or 15 psi should be tough. You are forcing as much air as you can into the board to make it solid.
- make sure the pressure gauge is connected snugly to the pump. You may have to tighten it past the 12 o'clock to maybe 1 p.m. like this photo.
- make sure the hose is connected to the pressure gauge. Don't use a wrench. A firm extra twist should do it.
- clear any debris from around the valve. Even a little sand will let more air escape - hence, the hissing sound.
- once you reach 10 psi it should be tougher to pump since air wants to escape. Keep on pumping. You will be able to pump faster than air escapes.
- Taking short breaks from 10 psi to 14-15 psi is OK, but they shouldn't be longer than 15 seconds. Your goal should be to get that last bit of air in to the board.
Is my pressure gauge broken?
There are three reasons your pressure gauge may not be working:
- It's defective - we put this first, because that's probably what you are thinking
- You board isn't inflated enough to get a reading - 90% of the time, this is the reason
- The needle is stuck at zero - 10% of the time, this is the reason
So, let's work backwards to see if we can figure out the problem.
3 - The needle is stuck at zero - All packages are sent with a new pressure gauge. Like some new things, there are stuck parts that need to pop loose and then they will work fine thereafter. So, pump up your board with 225 long strokes. You need to count them and make sure that you go all the way up & down - 1 stroke - while counting.
2 - Not inflated enough - We say it should take four (4) minutes or less of steady pumping. Taking many breaks longer than ten seconds doesn't count as your four minutes. So, instead count your strokes. You need to do 225.
1 - Defective - we keep track of all the gauge problems. Out of every 100 boards we sell, one is a defective gauge. We'd expect the number to be a bit higher, but that's where it is right now. So, we're happy to replace the defective gauges and we're sorry this happened to you.
How to deflate your board
It should take about 3 minutes to properly deflate and roll up your board.
- Rinse off your board with fresh water.
- Remove the center fin. We recommend putting it in the mesh bag that the BRAVO pump comes in.
- Rinse off your board, or at least get all the sand off
- Dry around the valve
- Push the valve extender down slightly to let the highest amount of pressure out. Let little bursts of air escape for about 10 seconds. Then, push down the valve extender and turn it clockwise. This is the opposite of what you want when you pump up the board. Air should now start to escape.
- Push down on the nose to start getting air to come out, and to flatten out the tail section.
- Start rolling the board from the nose towards the tail, with the top deck on the inside.
If you're storing your board for more than a couple of days, you should let it dry (especially the foam pad) before putting it away.
How to attach your fin
Your center fin is actually three parts: (1) fin; (2) locking piece; and (3) string connecting fin and locking piece. We call it the "Slide & Snap" fin, which we believe to be the best center fin you can have.
Here's a little Snapguide we did:
How to lengthen the life of your board
1 - don't leave it out in the sun
2 - rinse it off with fresh water after each use
3 - let it dry completely before putting it away. This especially means letting the foam deck pad dry
4 - store in a dry, cool place. In other words, don't let it bake in your hot car
5 - don't leave it out in the sun or in a warm car